Sunday, October 31, 2010 ♥ 5:14 AM sad i nvr get first man butt lucky tt arrogant bitch is not proud OR ELSE fyi,tis person is different frm the previous one yepp so many ppl i dun like rite i know damn suck ♥ 5:08 AM walao i cant stand herr lorhs wtf her can slap her up down left right arh FREAK U insult my fren u r nth better can no matter wad u say, u still suck i know u r guilty i KNOW u say ppl bad things bbut u r not any better k suckker u aint any better i really argh! u can? sucka everytime oso like that to me WTF? u got feelings de mah i act friendly to ubutt no longer man no longer always lie to me always act popular? always tink everyone likes you WELL u r wrong so damn wrong u suck ttm lah idiot shant say more cuz i am tired! bye ♥ 12:45 AM ahhhh ahhhhh ahhhhh so happy now, i feel a sense of achievement sia LOL LOL mahh!! i changed music!! yipee!! a fistful of stances' theme song OH MY FREAKIN GODD ahahaha so happy i spent a long time wif the tagboard and music RACHEL MAH: rate the song upon 10 okokok erm,when shld i do my homework sia dat mahh juz calles me to ask when i m gonna do it i was lyke wtf,so early!! haven even play finish can [dun tink sick!] darn dat mian bao ahahah TAGG! omg tis is my no. wad post le arh my mother juz washed my tie needa retie and i dunt no how to! WTHECCK okie nvm i m really bored so dun mind if i am writin crap here BYE Saturday, October 30, 2010 ♥ 11:07 PM G E N I E ♥ 10:44 PM hhi i really got nth to write k byeee G E N I E L I A O cool BYEE OMFREAKINGG THE COM CANT READ MY FONE SHALL USE THE LAP! U NO WHY I WANT THE COM TO READ MY FONE? COZ I WANNA UPLOAD PICS! UNGLAM ONESS I AM GENIE LIAO LU YAN AHHH I ROCK C'MON TAGG ,NOW! I AM FREAKIN BORED BUTT LAZY SO I WOULDN'T CHANGE BLOGSKIN EWW UNTIL NOW OSO CANNOT READ MY FONE, FORGET IT I STILL WANNA UPLOAD MAH POINTIN MIDDLE FINGER DE! Friday, October 29, 2010 ♥ 1:32 AM I WANT GLOW IN THE DARK CONVERSE SHOEE! YEP! ahahhahs anws YESterday was fun ahaha esp the dancin and dey watched barbie,so engross WTHell? i was laughin lyk siao ok finish~ for more details,plz visit rat,mahh,kym,jf blog ok, today is/was ok WOKE UP watched tv dongshan piao sth was cool, last episode le SAD yep, den ate my bros birthday cake LEFTOVERS den tied my hair,one plait cuz my hair damn messy SHORT TRIP TO VIVO ate lunch there saw others wif their class for gatherin bet was a girls' sch went to the top the food court eat siew mai all those crap the sun was shinin at me WTF? eat le den go basement buy yigloo rox ttm can arhh and all the white choco i <3> SHORT TRIP TO CHINATOWN aft vivo, go ahma hse and she was wearin a mask o_O hahahs and she call me go wif her to someone's unknown weddin i was obviously answerin no! was bored, still muz wear dress,wtf WENT FETCH BRO nth to do there seriously saw until ms emily tan scoldin some random girl she stole some bookshop stuff and money her mama use umbrella hit her heard i damn k-po keepturnin my head to look at dem muahaha HOMED ate again xp watched tv YEP! den talked and my mother said she would buy new pencil case,penS,shoe and stuff like dat^^ and mayb sch bag, i wanna buy tt cushion thingy ^^ den i bathed and now i typin and on fb wad can i do now BORED BYE Wednesday, October 27, 2010 ♥ 3:45 AM my blogg suck lyk shit can only peanut is taggin!!!!;D haiz nvm lah huh ahahahahah today wat we do....? ok nvm, i tink cuz its damn borin i guess so there's nth i could rmb oh yes, the leadership thingy and art thingy aiya borin ttm lah shant say abt tt sigh,ppl everyday happyhappy wan haizz den i sian sian there CAN? shall talk abt ppl U. u lyk ppl stuckup to u den u will follow dem if tt person doesnt stuck up to u rite u would give a damn abt dem and den go to those hu stuck up to u well i dun wanna say names or not ppl say i siao cuz dey all tink she veh lovable haizz i love mah hahahaa she juz called arhh nvm bye nt time say more ppl Wednesday, October 20, 2010 ♥ 2:54 AM E.o.Y. results all out le except for acc and music and ICT but heck care tt and my results aare not bad NOT BAD!! hahaha i didnt fail eng err lets c erm.. i every second oso feel lyk eatin OMG!! lol, tt's juz me err, yep, today got outing go national museum== boring like shit butt quite cool ii guess den some ppl damn flirt i guess i even danced there:O den i draw one spice den one art cher c until and say look lyk flower, WTF n he asked if i passed my art shit tt bushy eyebrow dude lah yep, den the vending machine make me damn pek cek i keep insertin the 2 dollar note but keep failin so, I GAVE Up damn tired, my finger err den err let me tink errr,den take bus go home den go home slack watch tv and EAT ;]]] heck care the math hw its due nxt mon!! err,err ai ya dun wan type le lah buh bye!!! :)))) Friday, October 15, 2010 ♥ 3:09 AM E>O>Y finished, yea......!! erm, lets c... Chi ; passable? e.liit; ok bah... geog; wish i dun get c, at least b eng; err, nvm hist; quite gd, but i forgot spy system!!! maths; quite gd, if i do everything correct... Sci; can pass art; ok bah, butt not attractive ~~end~~ holidays are days tt u eat sleep watch tv and do nth else but breathe... equals to boring esp when got nth to watch on tv dunno when, ram rat peanut go my hse n den we watch DRAG ME TO HELL veh nice butt den some retarded person [i nvr say hu] take my dog to hide her face and practically didnt watch the whole movie sad for her lahh huh ok i damn bored now, very bored facebook oso got nth to do sian~~ erm, i made up alist of wat i wanna hve wat i need! a whole list but i lazy go to my blogskin type yep, i m lazy i bored butt i dun wan go sch i rmb mun say we still got math lesson coz he nvr teach finish darn tt mun i currently playing fashion city and the other lame games at fb Boring i tell u i tis whole week cant go swimmin coz me bros got exam... Deanna lim, y u nvr upload the foto on fb?? u no the hand and leg thing wif the star thing later i mayb going great world woots finally can go out i m dying at home places i went to tis few days: my hse,rmps and tiong the same routine everyday 9.00 wake up, watch tv 10.00 eat, den bathee 12.00 go take mrt to tiong den to rmps coz bring my bro to sch 12.40 liddat rch, listen to my mother talk to the other aunties... 1.30 bro aft sch, den go sit bus 2.00 rch the eatin place and eat... 3.00 liddat finish 3.30 go home and go fb 4.30watch i carly and den go fb 5.30 sit bus go fetch bro 7.00 rch home 7.30eat dinner 8.00 watch tang bo hu aft tt watch tv 10.30 read storybook and sleep tt's my life at home, boring sia my fingers r tired frm typing so BYEE:)) |
colourful ![]() ♥ Genie Liao! 14 May! female! nan hua|radin mas choir TALK NOW, MOVE IT.
Andrew ZhaoBivian Tan Celine Tia Cynthia Deanna Lim Jamie Ng Jia Cai Jia Fong Jia Qi Jing Yi Jolene Tan Kai Wen Kasumi Keith Goh Kelvin Lim Ki Kym Meng Jac Rachel Mah Rachel Teo Shaneika Ong Shaun Seah Sher Mein Su Lynn Tian Xin Wan Lin Wanting Wei Heng Mua!.
♥ Blue Green!♥Colours! ♥Camera ♥Clique ♥Singing ♥Pens ♥Friendly peeps:) ♥Rachels ♥Amanda ♥Lois ♥Jia Qi ♥Jamie ♥Su Lynn ♥Deanna ♥Kym ♥many more... X Traitors X Projects :\ X Liars X You! X Damn proudies! X Some tchers... X Hypocrites X Disloyal peeps :) Camera Hott Pink :) Myuk wallet :) New nike bag :) New bedsheets! :) Pass choir audition :) Europe :) Outing :) More fbts :) Super duper nice class Tee :) More t-shirts Teess :) Go ECP again! :) Take foto with amanda :) Take foto with annabel :) Alot of b'dae presents! INSTANT TIME MACHINE November 2009 December 2009 April 2010 May 2010 July 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 TAKE A BOW basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: photobucket photobucket designer: dreyfire inspiration: living a COLOURFUL life/♥s} |